Our Services
Since 2005 Healthe Care has grown to be a leading provider of private surgical, medical, rehabilitation and mental health services.
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With a network of private hospitals and day surgeries throughout New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania, we offer world class care in key urban and regional settings.
Latest news

New Cancer Service Opens at Maitland Private Hospital
We are proud to have opened a brand new $15 million cancer service at Maitland Private Hospital, more than doubling the capacity of the previous unit while creating an additional 20 full time nursing and support services roles.

Lingard launches latest Operating Theatre technology
Lingard Private Hospital has become the first hospital in New South Wales to introduce the latest Stryker 1788 operating platform.

International Women's Day
Healthe Care sites have recognised International Women's Day with celebrations across our sites.

Healthe Heart Day
February 14th is a date that traditionally sends hearts aflutter, however across the Healthe Care group we've taken the opportunity to recognise Healthe Heart Day instead.